Sunday, January 25, 2015

Urban Farming Externship-Week 5

Week 5- Aquaponics Externship

Well all, I got to embark on a new and great experience. So excited to be able to volunteer and finishout my externship with Billy Duggar of Billy's Botanicals in Richmond Hill, GA. here is a link to his website:   check him out and if your in the area you can find him at the Farmers' Market at Forsyth Park in Savannah GA on Saturdays; Best Tilapia and product. Awesome guy, I can't thank him enough for the opportunity.

I didn't get a chance to write down notes or take very many pictures; we were on a mission to get seeds planted for new plants. Billy had seeds planted but they did not take due to the drastic temperature changes we have been having. I trust and believe they will sprout in about 2wks big enough for us to transfer over to the Aquaponics system. We planted about 12 trays that held more than 100 seeds each. Seeds consisted of several varieties of lettuce, celery, dill, fennel, rosemary, thyme, parsley, basil, kale, mustard greens, etc. I'll be back out to help him next week. We might be trimming back the tomato plants, as you will see in the pictures below they took over. Lots of work to be done to prepare for spring.

Billy has 2 different Aquaponics systems setup. He started his farm 2yrs ago with an outdoor system not pictured below and in June built and setup a greenhouse system. Take a look at these pictures:

Here are the tanks that hold the Tilapia. Water is pumped out and back in keeping it flowing between the plant beds and fish tanks. Water is heated to about 78-82 degrees to keep the fish happy.                    

Trays on top of tanks are the seeds we just planted.

Here we have celery growing in water bed.
A few more celery plants and beets.
Soon all of these pods will have life.

These are tomato plants. They are strung up and taking over. Still producing an abundance of cherry tomatoes and Roma. Billy is going to cut back and build a shelf with laticce to make for easier harvesting. 

Can't wait to help grow and learn some more. Next week I will report on the organic materials seeds and plants grow in. I didn't get full details but it felt smooth and look dark and rich. Billy told me and showed me a Coconut Coir Brick but I didn't get any info written down or pictures. I'll have that next time.

~Blessings & Love~


  1. I just posted a comment but was unable to see it. Let me know if you got it!

  2. What an incredible operation! It's neat to hear that he started outdoors and then expanded to have a green house. I was wondering how he heats the water and how does he keep it that perfect temperature?

    We are having some wild weather here in Arizona, too. Some trees are confused and have fruit at the complete 'wrong' time of year. It's wild. For example, my neighbors fig tree is bare, the leaves have fallen with the recent drops in temps, but there are fruit still hanging on to the branches. It's wild!

    Looking forward to hearing more about Billy's system and what he uses, how he sources, etc. Also - where does he sell his produce and what is his system /set up for that? Do you wash all of the produce before selling?

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Torrie,

    I'll respond back to your questions after this next time I go, should hopefully be going on Friday so I will see what he does to prepare for market and answer questions. I do know with the warmer temperature it is a constant struggle and he said he is still experimenting. I think he has done amazing for only starting here in Georgia 2yrs years ago and being new to the area. He had a small system in Virginia before he moved to Georgia. He experiments with all different varieties of herbs and vegetables. This is truly an awesome experience.

  4. This is so cool Michelle!! I think this was the perfect opportunity for you because I know you are interested in this yourself!! I think it is great that you got to see 2 different types of farms/gardens for your externship!!
