Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Urban Farming Externship-Week2

Week 2 at the community garden was chilly. The temperature has dropped back down, the winter season is upon us. There were no real changes to be noted. the beds that we added fertilizer to last week looked about the same so we are going to wait until Saturday to see what the "experts" are suggesting to try next. It may just be the drop in temperature but on the other hand the cover crops are trying to take over and the kale is looking great.

Beautiful & Yummy

Cover Crops almost taking over. I pulled more back this week.  

  These little guys (need to get the name on Saturday) are turning yellow, I'm wondering if they got too much fertilizer on last week. Or if they may need less water.

We were informed that a frost was coming in and the temperature was going to be in the 30's so I covered our babies up.

To report on the mite infestation from last week; the plants looked much better. We gave them one more treatment. Hope that knocks them out. I searched and priced rain and compost barrels for the site. Hopefully, we can get the quotes approved and move forward on getting one if not both in place. There is not a whole lot to be done on a weekly or daily basis. This weekend is when the community comes out and some experts will be on hand teaching us a specific thing. I'm unsure what the theme is but I will post and include pictures.

*Next Week-being that it is slow if we don't have approval on composting or rain barrels we are going to take a little trip to an Aquaponics Farm to get ideas for the 2 empty buildings on site that are being used for storage but there would be room to set a small system up. Endless possibilities in Urban Farming. This Externship is a valuable resource that I will continue on with. Can't wait until Saturday to get more knowledge and get my kids back involved with the other volunteers.  ~Blessings & Love~

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