Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 1 Assignment 1:Creative Blog Entry

I am a Himalayan Salt Rock Lamp. I am approximately 250 million years old and came from the Himalayan Mountain Regions. My color is a pinkish orange, when lit up I look peach. I'm very small compared to most. I came from a lower 3rd class dollar store. Oh.. Look.. There is another Himalayan Salt Rock Lamp, wow how beautiful. It's sculpted in the shape of a bowl with smaller salt crystals inside. It looks so elegant; probably came from an expensive department store. I feel so little and unworthy to be in the same space as the other lamp. Why am I here again? What is my purpose? How did I get here anyways? Wait, I remember now; I was a Christmas gift, given out of love.  When I light up I naturally emit negative ions into the atmosphere restoring and neutralize air quality. My negative ions can be used to treat illness and improve health for human. I eliminate allergens and support the humans immune system. I boost their serotonin levels, improve mental alertness and increase chi. Chi? That's Universal Life Energy!!! The Chinese refer to me as Life Force!!! Pretty impressive!!! The moral of my story is that it doesn't matter where you came from in life; you are a gift, you have a great purpose. Others may have came from a higher social status; they may look more worthy, but you possess the same qualities within as they do. Always remember the qualities within yourself and increase your Life Force. Blessings & Love

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Greetings All

Who is Michelle Joy Bookmiller? Here's a little bit about her on a personal level: she is 37 years old, a wife of nine years and mother of three amazing boys. A Christian and praising God for all she is and all she will become. Over a year and a half ago Michelle discovered her life's purpose and took a giant leap of faith to pursue it. Bringing us to where she is today; a Certified Holistic Nutritionists and Life Coach. Currently enrolled at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Urban Farming; pursuing a life of sustainability. It is Michelle's passion to educate others on chemical free living and alternative lifestyles. Opening  her cleaning business, All Natural Joys at the beginning of 2014, allowed the flexibility need to further her education. She uses all-natural, homemade cleaning products in client's homes, protecting them and their loved ones from harmful chemicals. All of this started when Michelle read the ingredients in her deodorant. "Aluminum??? Is that even safe to put on my body?", she asked herself. Michelle started researching the ingredients in everything she used. This stirred up such a passion within, first of all because she felt like she had been deceived all these years of using products that she believed to be safe. Michelle wants to bring awareness to others and let them decide for themselves. She would love to hear from you all. If you share any common interests or have any questions please feel free to comment. Her life is an open book, and she would love to share her stories with you. Michelle also has a deep love for people and would be honored for them to share their stories with her. Excited to hear from you soon, Michelle sends you; Blessings & Love.