Monday, November 3, 2014

How I Got Here-Week 2 Assignment 1:Blog Entry

How I Got Here

How I got here; outside of being wonderfully and perfectly made in my mother’s womb by the Almighty God, let’s fast-forward a few years. Graduating from high school in 1995, with a general diploma and certificate in Early Childhood Education; which I quickly realized after being a school bus attendant for children with disciplinary needs, working with children was not the career for me. I jumped straight into the workforce, acquiring skills such as advertising, business promotion, and organized planning skills. In 1999, I moved from upstate New York down to Beaufort, South Carolina. This is when life really started to begin.

I met Jesus down here in the “Bible Belt" and started the journey towards my purpose in life; it was a long journey, that didn't come to light until 2013. In May 2013, I was on the verge of divorce and had just been diagnosed with a health issue. I was unhappy with my job as an Accounts Payable Clerk for seven years and asking God to show me my purpose in life. I sought Him for inspiration and asked Him to plant a desire in my heart to do what He wants me to do. I wanted to pursue a career I could be passionate about.

One day while putting on my underarm deodorant God ignited a passion and desire within me. I was inspired to read the deodorant label. Aluminum? What is that doing in there? I went online and “Googled” it. Wow; linked to breast cancer, huh? Well; what’s in my shampoo then? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate; what is that and does that have any negative effects on my body? This went on and on until I had gone through all the products in my house. I felt like I had been tricked all of my life. I trusted that these products were safe for me and my family because I’ve been using them ever since I merged from the womb. Being the loving and compassionate person I am I felt convicted to tell everyone going down the Health and Beauty Aisle in Walmart, “STOP and read that label!”

 I started seeking healthier alternatives. First order of business was to throw out the deodorant; I would rather have stinky pits than the possibility for breast cancer. Everything had to go; I just knew there had to be a better way. I decided to make my own chemical free products. Many of the recipes I found online called for ingredients like Essential Oils; something of which I had never heard of. I also started looking into natural herbs to treat and prevent health issues. Another desire and passion that was stirred up within, was to learn how to grow my own herbs and teach others how to be chemical free and live healthier lifestyles.

Taking a giant leap of faith; I quit my stable, high-paying job with benefits to pursue my life’s purpose. While in school I opened my cleaning business, All Natural Joys; providing residential cleaning services using homemade and natural cleaning products. Through attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, for Holistic Health and Healing and Urban Farming; I am now certified in Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition, Auriculotherapy, Aromatherapy and Toe Reading. Currently at the halfway point in my Urban Farming studies. SWIHA has given me the knowledge needed to teach and guide others to live holistically, balancing mind, body and soul. Some of the avenues I use to reach people are through my writings, blogs and YouTube presentations.

Being an adjunct writer for your magazine would assist in my life’s purpose of helping others live a Holistic lifestyle. Seeking God’s inspiration daily enhances my writing. He ignites my passions and desires to educate others through compassion, guiding my writing style by inspiring me to give real-life situations that readers can relate to. It would be my honor if you would consider me for the adjunct writer position. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Blessings & Love,
Michelle Bookmiller
All Natural Joys